Friday, August 1, 2008

Bag Tag

Here are the rules:

1. Take a picture of your bag

2. Show a picture of ALL the contents in your bag and then name themNO CLEANING OUT FIRST!!!!

3. "Bag Tag" five to ten people

4. Leave a comment on their blog that says "You've Been Bag Tagged"

Yes I have so much crap in my purse that I had to take 3 different pictures to get it all!
This picture shows my check book, hair tie, head band, shopping list, chapstick, lip gloss, pen, headset, golds gym pass, borders pass, tuachan tickets, 2 bandaids, usb port, TJ Maxx gift card and 2 Pier 1 gift cards....
This picture shows my wallet, car keys, ipod, pill bottle (its only IBprofin I swear), a book (yes I always have a book in my purse), oh and the mess of papers below is some receipts, check stubs and bills!

I didn't pull this out cus' it's a mess but this is the bottom of my purse with loose change and a bunch of bobby pins.
I tag: Mindy Blake, Jess Leany, & Lynsee Turok


bryce and paige said...

Fun that you have a Ray Bradbury book in your purse, I think that's awesome! I am taking Major American Authors, Russian Novels, and Literary Theory, And I'm done! Forever! Maybe not forever, but for a long, long time. Hopefully you have some of those with me.

Mindy Blake said...

hahaha now that the laptop is working i will post the pics since you tagged me :) just you wait to see what stuff i have in it at the moment, you will so laugh! my purse weighs like 10 lbs now! talk to you soon:) muah