Friday, August 28, 2009

I have to post about this stupid bookshelf because it gave me ALOT of grief!
I received this lovely bookshelf from my uncle (he was getting rid of it) and it was a weird brown color so I decided I could paint it and make it cute and it wouldn't take very long! Was I ever wrong! Everything that could go wrong went wrong... the paint wasn't the right color, the paint wasn't taking to the wood, the antiquing methods I was using weren't working! It took me forever!
But I have to say I am proud of how it turned out considering ALL of the stress behind it!

And I have put it to good use!


Janell said...

Keia, Bravo on the bookshelf. It looks great! I was lookingat your past blogs. I didn't know you got to go back to Brandon's mission. That's cool! North Carolina is beautiful!

Turok said...

YAY!! better then what I could ever do. GOOD JOB KEIA!!

Anonymous said...

cute! I need to come over and see your house!! Miss you guys!